Your Brand is More Than Just Its Logo

Did you know that since 1990 big businesses eliminated 4 million jobs? Sounds about right to me but what surprised me is that small businesses have added 8 million jobs in that time.

That’s right, the little guy is standing up to the big box giants. 23 million small businesses make up 54% of U.S. sales. That’s impressive.

Hold on! Before you go opening your own place, keep in mind that about half of all new establishments only survive five years or more and about one-third only make it 10 years or more. Why? So many factors to consider from things you can’t control like construction right in front of your establishment to cutting edge technology that eliminates the need for your (insert your product or service here). The good news? There are many factors you can control. For this article, let’s look at your brand.

Let’s say you open a restaurant in a good location with good food. You have a catchy logo and a little website and business starts off just fine. A few months in and you notice your business really isn’t growing. Maybe you have some repeat customers but just not as many as you thought you would have (and should have) by now. You are a neighborhood eatery after all – you should be getting more “regulars”.

My food is great, you say – what am I doing wrong?

You Need More Than a Logo

Well, have you taken the time to develop your brand? Do you even know what your brand is? Please don’t say you have a great logo. A logo is not your brand.

Your logo is just part of your brand. It represents your brand but it is not the whole picture. When I walk into your restaurant, what is my first impression? What does the decor look like? What does it sound like? Can I tell who the servers are compared to the customers? Does anyone greet me or make me feel welcome?

I sit down – is the table clean? Comfortable? How long before someone takes my drink order? Is the person taking care of me even nice?

Yes, seriously, this is all part of your brand, your restaurant’s personality. How I feel walking into your establishment is almost as important as how much I like the food. Can’t you think of a place you will never go back to even though the food was good? Because the service was terrible, the music too loud and no one seemed to care?

Customer Service is Part of Your Brand

Worse yet, how do you feel walking into a restaurant and never knowing what to expect? Maybe the music playing depends on the manager on duty. One day you walk in and the servers are wearing matching polos and soft rock is playing and the next time you go in they are dressed in street clothes and punk rock is blasting. Totally confusing and more than a little unsettling. 

Your brand is what defines your company and sets it apart from other companies. It allows people to connect with you on a personal level so they are comfortable and feel like they know you or at least know your business. Your brand allows the customer to feel safe in recommending you to their friends. 

Given the choice between a thriving business and a closed business, wouldn’t it be worth investing time and money into creating your brand? If your answer is yes, as it should be, contact this Orlando advertising agency and we’ll help set you up for success. Together we can work to define your brand, enhance your logo, create a website and coordinated print materials and help you define your social media strategy. We want you to be around awhile.

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